Becoming a Grandfather to the Honey of the Hive!
We got the news through skype over the holidays. Our 1st born son and his wife are going to become parents to a baby! Translated, I am going to become a grandfather! This bundle of belovedness is going to arrive in July. It's thrilling for Gwen and me to consider this "development" and we treasure this news in our hearts and it has all set us to do a bit of pondering. Pondering is the word that the Bible uses when we learn that Mary is pregnant. She ponders. She thinks. She imagines. The ordinary routine of life is invaded with news that stops your world and shapes your outlook into the future. I simply cannot imagine Mary's pondering but I am becoming quiet familiar with my own. Here are some of my ponderings upon hearing this very good news!This baby is already the beloved of God. Formed in the mother's womb, this child already is loved by God. Isn't that simply stunning. We read, "Long before the foundations of the world were set, God had you--THIS BABY--in mind and had settled on THIS baby to become the focus of His love (Eph. 1:3, Msg).All of the days ahead for THIS baby are ordained by God--already. (Psalm 139:16)This child, my grandchild--flesh of my own flesh is already being cradled by more than fluids in the sac...but held by the very hands of the Eternal God. So, I have tried to put pen to words...put thoughts into a poem for my Beloved grandchild. Here's what I have written for my grandchild--upon hearing this news and upon further pondering and reflection: The Honey of the Hiveby Stephen W. Smith Every last part of you,all sinews, muscles and skinis now jointed in history and futureto what will unfold and begin. Already the Beloved in sacred form,though not seen, not held and not touched.Marvelous soul so sacred to be born,what love now awaits you. Flesh of my own flesh; heart so alive,With bowed knee and humble mind,We celebrate the honey of the hive!What glory now awaits us to kiss this sacred face. A part of me will now through you liveAnd I am ready for that!What I will touch is Yours to give,O Glory be for this good gift. Copyright 2012. Stephen W. SmithAll Rights Reserved.