First Mornings

There are expectations when we come on a retreat. Some want this. Some need that. Every retreat will never meet all of the expectations.As I asked our retreatants why they came...they came as I suspected. Some were tired. Some are weary. Some are teeter-tottering on burn out. Some wanted to know more. Some needed to de-tox.So, I adjust my own agenda and bow into theirs. I try to slow down. To never make my agenda THE agenda but seek to bend my agenda and combine theirs into what I sense and trust God wants.Based on last night and my own heaviness of heart in listening to three of four of them, I'm going to try something I had not planned. Believing that solitude is always THE way into the ways of Jesus-- we'll start this morning by giving them 30 minutes of quiet and a walk on the beach. Then I'll begin my talk on the Rhythm of Life. I'm trusting this adjustment is what the Soul Care Doctor ordered for us this morning.Stay tuned.